Ever since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we have seen people helping out those who need assistance. The pandemic brought a sense of community amongst people as they went out of their way to help out. The disconnected world connected over social media and all possible platforms to fight the disease. After all, however socially distanced we may be, all of us are in this together. Today, we offer you a few suggestions, if you also wish to help others from home and want to know how exactly you can do so.
Reach Out to Your People
One of the best ways to help is to reach out to the people you know. Be it your neighbors, friends, or family members; you can call them up and ask how they are doing. This might seem small but it could have a positive impact on others. If you have any neighbors who are elderly, you can run errands for them and provide them the utilities they need while maintaining social distance. Call up your friend who might be facing mental health issues, the people who are vulnerable tend to be the most affected in such dire times.
Provide Cooked Meals

Many families afflicted by the disease are unable to do the daily chores like cooking food. As we know, it is extremely important to eat simple and home-cooked foods during sickness. You can lend a hand and prepare meals for the ones who are suffering from COVID-19. You can do this for your neighbors, friends, or relatives who live nearby and send food easily. At the same time, you can extend this food service and have people of the local community contact you if they want home-cooked meals. If you can’t prepare food, you can donate different foods that are non-perishable.
Make a Donation

Another simple way to help others from home is by donating funds you can spare. You can choose to donate some money to authentic organizations who are working day and night in fighting the battle against the coronavirus. It would be your choice to donate to whoever you want, be it any of your local community, any NGO you have heard of. Even your smallest donation could be of much help to them.
Donate Blood
As the coronavirus continues to spread by the day, there is a significant decrease in people eligible to donate blood. Right now, the Red Cross and other banks have remained open so that healthy, willing, and eligible people come forward and donate blood as much as possible so that they don’t run short of blood supplies for patients.
Care for Yourself
While we understand that you have a desire to help the affected people but remember, you are equally important. Take utmost care of your physical and mental health while you tend to others in times of need. Because even by staying home and practicing social distancing, you are making a great and vital difference in your community. This will help keep others safe and prevent the health care system from overwhelming. Thus, self-care is absolutely essential.